How Import wordpress site?

I would like import a wordpress site from a friend using FlyWheel.
So the the file is :slight_smile:


but My Flywheel local don’t undertsand this file, I couldn’t import it !
Some advice



This file has a .wpress format, which means it came from All-in-one WP Migration. Which is a backup/migration plugin used in Wordpress.

To import this file, you will need to:

  1. Create a new site in Local
  2. In this new blank site, install All-in-on WP Migration (into Plugins > Add new)
  3. Go to “Import” in the option showed in the image below
  4. Now drag and drop, or select the file you need to upload
  5. Follow the screen instructions in order to complete the import

Done! Your site should be installed and hopefully working.
Now, be aware that there are a number of things that might make it not work well when you just imported it, but I won’t list them here, it’s best for you to do this procedure, and if something doesn’t go well, you come back here and we can help you :smiley:

Great Alexandre. It’s ok


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