Live link Tunnel not found

I am trying to see my website through live link bt every time it says Tunnel not found… or bad gate way
please help me

Hi Ketan,

The tunnel URL is temporary. If you put your computer to sleep or close Local the domain will be released.

Simply disable/enable the Live Link for the site to get a new Live Link URL.

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How long do they last if you leave local open and don’t put your computer to sleep?


Good question! :thinking:

I’m not seeing any mention of a max tunnel lifespan in the ngrok docs.

It is very short though. Hours. I’m having a hard time having it stay open long enough for my client to see it. If they drag their feet at all it’s already closed, and I look like I don’t know what I’m doing, sending them broken links. Very frustrating. I can’t even tell them " you have 4 hours to view the site using this link" or whatever, because I don’t know how long they last.

Flywheel has integrated this into Local — could you contact someone and find out? Or possibly make it work for a longer period of time for Local users? (that’d be ideal)

Hi Anthony,

Got it. I’ve reached out to ngrok to get an answer on the time limit.

In the meantime, you can always create a demo site on Flywheel and then use Connect to Flywheel to push the Local site to the demo Flywheel site. This way, your client can view the site at any time :smiley:

Oh that’s a great solution. Thanks! And keep us posted on what you find out from ngrok. Thanks Clay :slight_smile:


I just heard from ngrok. The limit is 8 hours. They did mention that limit may be decreasing in the near future.

@clay how does the ngrok free account help with this? Does a free ngrok account work with local flywheel?

Tunnel Expired

This tunnel expired 9 hours, 59 minutes ago.

Sign up for a free account so that your tunnels don’t time out or you can restart ngrok to get a new tunnel.

Anybody can use ngrok without an account, but there are limits on how long tunnels can stay open and how much bandwidth they can process. Sign up for a free account so your tunnel don’t time out and also get more bandwidth, http basic auth, tcp tunnels, custom subdomains and more.

The error encountered was: ERR_NGROK_708

Hi Team,

This mostly answer my question and is a good temporary solution. However, my follow up questions would be, can a free ngrok account fix this completely? Basically, I need to send my clients links in which they may be in another time zone or perhaps check the site before I have a chance to turn on my computer in the morning. Will creating a free ngrok account keep the links live throughout the night even if my computer goes to sleep?
