Sites failing to install using Lightning Public Beta

Hi everyone,

I’ve been checking the forums in order to find some answers over switching the php/mysql versions on the public beta not showing with no luck. Also, after installing a few local environments, the wp-admin sites are unreachable. I get 502 bad gateways, or when I log in from the front-end version of the site in question, the browser stucks on loading eternally. Is there something I’m missing or is it just really unstable as it is right now? Uploading the log: local-lightning.log (16.1 KB)

Switching versions isn’t in Local Lightning quite yet. It should be here sometime next month. See Releases - Local for more details.

If you need to be able to switch versions this moment, you can download Local by Flywheel 3.3.0 here: Releases - Local

Based on the log file you provided, it looks like WordPress is failing to install. Are you seeing any errors in the interface?

Also, can you try running the following in Command Prompt? It should give us more details on what’s going on.

"%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Local\resources\extraResources\site-binaries-win32\php-7.3.6\php.exe" --version

Here’s a screenshot of what it should look like: